Customer Characterization & Profiling using Agglomerative Clustering

Medium :

Object Detection

  • Conducted comprehensive analysis of client habits, demographics, and marketing responses using different clustering techniques.
  • Opted for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, gaining deeper insights into distinctive customer segments.

Smart Air Quality Monitoring: IoT Sensors on M5StickC Plus

Medium :

Object Detection

  • Developed a Smart Air Quality Monitoring System using M5StickC Plus, AT6558 GPS, and SGP30 Gas Sensor, seamlessly integrated with Qubitro.
  • Conducted live demonstrations with threshold alerts, showcasing the system's ability to detect harmful gases.

(the website you are currently on)


GitHub :

  • Python code for implementing Encrypting File System (EFS) using Modular Key framework.

Dashboard on Drug Cartels' Activity across Mexico

Tableau :

  • Extracted data of 10 drug cartel's drug traffic activity spanning over 20 years.
  • Analyzed shifts in their territory and impact over each state from 1989 to 2010.

Financial Impact of Presidential Tweets on Stock Markets

Tableau :

Research Paper 📑

Correlation Viz Excel Stats

  • Scrapped vital tweets of world leaders from a Tweet Archive and analyzed their financial impact on global stock markets.
  • Applied several Data Visualization techniques to indicate the correlation between the two factors.

Archaeological Sites with Mayan Inscriptions

Tableau :

  • Visualized a dataset of 334 newly discovered sites across Mesoamerica that expands the known territory of the Mayan civilization.
  • Mapped lat-long coordinates to sites that lacked GPS values through geocoding.

Real-Time Face Recognition with Raspberry Pi 3

GitHub :

Object Detection

  • Developed model using OpenCV, Numpy, Dlib and implemented with Raspberry Pi 3.
  • Provides real-time confidence score of the faces recognized.

Deaths during the LA Riots of 1992

Tableau :

  • Acquired statistical data on homicides & other riot-related deaths from the official investigation records of LAPD, LASD, and LA Times.
  • Also gathered data from the building records of LADBS on property that were destroyed by arson during the riots.

the Note Making Project 📝

GitHub :

  • Implemented Optical Character Recognition using MATLAB as part of the Note Making Project.